There are some pc, A,B,C,D.
A' os is windows7 64 bit, B,C,D' os is windows xp.
Our program is based C/S.
The ActiveMQ version is 5.5.0

I did a few experiments:
1 the server program and ActiveMQ running on the A, others pc running client
program , the client program 
   send message to ActiveMQ, connection is ok! the consumer in the server
program don't receive any  message. 
2 but i put server program and activeMQ on the B,C,D, put the client on the
A, the consumer in the server 
   can receive message.

a few weeks ago the "1"  is ok, but i don't remember what is changed.

under "1":
use wireshark watch ip packet, A has receive the message packet.
watch the web console, in the message queue(QUEUE-CS-CMD) no message , but
in other
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Producer.Queue.QUEUE-CS-CMD) have a message.

i make a consumer read message from queue
 the Advisory ProducerInfo is: 
{commandId = 4, responseRequired = false, producerId =
ID:zhengsm-2812-1315298931562-0:1:1:1, destination = queue://QUEUE-CS-CMD,
brokerPath = null, dispatchAsync = false, windowSize = 0}

What is reason? who can tell me, thanks!

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