> My questions are:
> 1. Where can I control the number of producers pooled in
> PooledConnectionFactory? Does it create and pool one producer per session
> (maximumActive setting above)? 

You can't really enforce the maximum number producers you actually have 
created, since a session can potentially have numerous producer objects.  You 
can only really enforce the maximum number of sessions, which you've set in 
"maximumActive".  Under your current configuration you are potentially allowing 
yourself to have up to 4000 sessions.

> 2. So if PooledConnectionFactory doesn't pool consumers, isn't it always
> inefficient to use PooledConnectionFactory for B1 and efficient for B2?  Or
> is it always more efficient to configure both endpoints (B1 and B2) with
> PooledConnectionFactory?

It's typically better to have a single connection for consumers since those are 
expected to be long lived connections and you avoid the overhead of having 
several connections exist for the purpose of pooling.  The JMS and ActiveMQ 
Camel components use Spring's JmsTemplate under the hood - see 
http://activemq.apache.org/jmstemplate-gotchas.html .  That page recommends 
using Spring's CachingConnectionFactory for consumers since that doesn't cache 
a connection pool but caches session objects instead.

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