On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 14:26:46 -0400, Timothy Bish
<tabish...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 09:29 +0100, nospam.1.friedbad...@spamgourmet.com
>> Hi,
>> I can't get the Active MQ library 3.4.0 to build on Solaris.  I have
>> the Sun Studio 11 compiler.  I think I have read all the READMEs.  If
>> I try to build without running autogen.sh
>> (http://activemq.apache.org/cms/using-the-solaris-cc-compiler.html)
>> I get many compilation errors, only some of which I can fix.
>> If I try to run autogen.sh first then I just get the following error:
>> 12 % ./autogen.sh  
>> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc/autoreconf: Not a directory
>> Please advise.
>Might want to check the versions of the autotools you have installed and
>make sure they are up to date with what ActiveMQ-CPP requires.  Also
>ensure that your path is correct and the executables can be found.

For some reason some of my posts (from nabble) seem to appear here and
some not so I'll reply here again.

I have now checked all the dependencies and they are all OK.
autogen.sh still fails with error
"autoreconf: command not found" even though it is in my path.

If I try to build (without using autogen) then it fails eventually
since it cannot find all the source code.  All the filenames
in directory
.../src/main/activemq/wireformat/openwire/marshal/generated are
truncated to 16 characters. 

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