this is the code that does the sending. I've just watched a batch of three 
messages being sent, two simply disappeared.

        ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new 
        connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
        session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        destination = session.createTopic(topicName);
        producer = session.createProducer(destination);
      TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(messageText);

I tried to create a simple test but the embedded broker never calls 


mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

On 27 Sep 2011, at 11:36, Alistair Young wrote:

> the topic consumers don't need to be present when the message is sent as the 
> messages are persistent and they are durable topic subscribers. They are 
> never persisted by activemq. They just disappear. I can't track the messages 
> through the system as isAllowedToConsume is never called for the original 
> message. It's only called when camel reroutes the message and camel never 
> sees the missing messages, as verified by org.apache.camel.Processor 
> instances.
> Alistair
> -- 
> mov eax,1
> mov ebx,0
> int 80h
> On 27 Sep 2011, at 11:25, Gary Tully wrote:
>> please provide some code that demonstrates your problem. Are you sure
>> that the topic consumers are present when the messages are sent?
>> Try and reduce the complexity of your usecase, the bottom line is that
>> messages won't just disappear without good reason, there are hundreds
>> of test cases that verify this is the case.
>> On 27 September 2011 11:16, Alistair Young <> wrote:
>>> not a lot seems to work. 8 identical messages sent to the broker in quick 
>>> succession. Three arrived, 5 just disappeared. It's complicated by the fact 
>>> MessageAuthorizationPolicy::isAllowedToConsume never seems to be called for 
>>> the original message, so I can't really verify whether the message 
>>> disappeared once inside activemq. isAllowedToConsume is only called when 
>>> the message is routed by camel to the next topic:
>>> message -> topicA -> camel -> topicB
>>> isAllowedToConsume is never called for topicA
>>> isAllowedToConsume is called for topicB with a destination of topic://topicB
>>> Alistair
>>> --
>>> mov eax,1
>>> mov ebx,0
>>> int 80h
>>> On 26 Sep 2011, at 16:19, Alistair Young wrote:
>>>> trying to log incoming messages at the broker to narrow the problem and 
>>>> another problem appears. This works on one server but adds 0x0 chars on 
>>>> another so the message fails to parse:
>>>> public boolean isAllowedToConsume(ConnectionContext context, Message 
>>>> message) {
>>>> new String(message.getContent().data, message.getContent().offset, 
>>>> message.getContent().length)
>>>> so on one server the offset and length are wrong as it seems to report too 
>>>> many chars
>>>> Alistair
>>>> --
>>>> mov eax,1
>>>> mov ebx,0
>>>> int 80h
>>>> On 22 Sep 2011, at 12:05, Gary Tully wrote:
>>>>> Is this code shared by multiple threads? does it need synchronization?
>>>>> What you are experiencing does seem odd, it would be great if you
>>>>> could provide a simple junit test case that can reproduce.
>>>>> Also, peeking that the code of the logging plugin, it should be
>>>>> logging sends, that is again odd:
>>>>> On 22 September 2011 10:59, Alistair Young <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> would someone be kind enough to have a quick look at this code to see if 
>>>>>> it could cause problems? The method returns a reusable connection so the 
>>>>>> user of the class doesn't have to connect/disconnect on every message. 
>>>>>> The first message never fails, it's always when reusing the connection 
>>>>>> that random messages disappear.
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Alistair
>>>>>>  try {
>>>>>>    // Try to reuse a previous connection
>>>>>>    if (previousMxConnection == null) {
>>>>>>      ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new 
>>>>>> ActiveMQConnectionFactory(brokerURL);
>>>>>>      connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
>>>>>>      connection.setClientID(clientId);
>>>>>>      connection.start();
>>>>>>      session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
>>>>>>      destination = session.createTopic(topicName);
>>>>>>      producer = session.createProducer(destination);
>>>>>>      producer.setDeliveryMode(messageMode);
>>>>>>      mxConnection = new MatrixConnection();
>>>>>>      mxConnection.connection = connection;
>>>>>>      mxConnection.session = session;
>>>>>>      mxConnection.destination = destination;
>>>>>>      mxConnection.producer = producer;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>    else {
>>>>>>      session = previousMxConnection.session;
>>>>>>      if (previousMxConnection.producer == null) {
>>>>>>        producer = 
>>>>>> session.createProducer(previousMxConnection.destination);
>>>>>>        producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT);
>>>>>>        previousMxConnection.producer = producer;
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      else {
>>>>>>        producer = previousMxConnection.producer;
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      mxConnection = previousMxConnection;
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(messageText);
>>>>>>    producer.send(message);
>>>>>>    return mxConnection;
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  catch(Exception e) {
>>>>>>    throw new MatrixClientException(e);
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> mov eax,1
>>>>>> mov ebx,0
>>>>>> int 80h
>>>>>> On 22 Sep 2011, at 10:50, Alistair Young wrote:
>>>>>>> nothing seems to help. There are still messages just disappearing. Also 
>>>>>>> the logging doesn't seem to log anything to do with producers:
>>>>>>> <loggingBrokerPlugin logAll="true" logConnectionEvents="true" />
>>>>>>> I can see lots of camel consumers from the local machine looking at the 
>>>>>>> routes but nothing about incoming messages from producers.
>>>>>>> Alistair
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> mov eax,1
>>>>>>> mov ebx,0
>>>>>>> int 80h
>>>>>>> On 21 Sep 2011, at 13:13, Alistair Young wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm running ActiveMQ 5.5.0 as a spring webapp rather than the 
>>>>>>>> standalone version. Would you recommend the standalone one? Not sure 
>>>>>>>> how to use camel with that though.
>>>>>>>> there's quite a high rate of packet loss on the network it seems and 
>>>>>>>> according to this:
>>>>>>>> the default is sync send for persistent messages outside transactions. 
>>>>>>>> I'm using transactions on the broker but not the producer to preserve 
>>>>>>>> camel routes across restarts. So I presume the producer is using sync 
>>>>>>>> mode to send the messages as they are persistent. However, no error 
>>>>>>>> from the broker and no message arriving might hint at async mode 
>>>>>>>> falling foul of packet loss perhaps?
>>>>>>>> I'll try this on the broker connection to see if it helps:
>>>>>>>> jms.useAsyncSend=false
>>>>>>>> Alistair
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> mov eax,1
>>>>>>>> mov ebx,0
>>>>>>>> int 80h
>>>>>>>> On 21 Sep 2011, at 13:02, Torsten Mielke wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What is the exact broker version used on your side?
>>>>>>>>> In case its not the latest released version, can you try the latest 
>>>>>>>>> version?
>>>>>>>>> Do you set any particular headers on the Topic message in your 
>>>>>>>>> producer?
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 21, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Alistair Young wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I can't explain this at all. It's almost like the opposite of 
>>>>>>>>>> reliable messaging. At times, almost 1 in 3 messages just 
>>>>>>>>>> disappears. No errors. The KahaDB/db-*.log show no record of the 
>>>>>>>>>> message every arriving and yet the producer doesn't get an error.
>>>>>>>>>> Alistair
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> mov eax,1
>>>>>>>>>> mov ebx,0
>>>>>>>>>> int 80h
>>>>> --
>> -- 

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