Hello, there,

I have a little problem here with my JMS layout.

I have two brokers (A, B) on two machines, which are linked via network
connector (static). The idea is that the producer can send to any broker
and the consumer can listen to any broker and the topic to send to/receive
from is available globally.

The topic has two durable subscriber clients (one on each machine) that
both will process all the messages in the topic. I want it to be a durable
subscription so that the processes won't loose any workload if a process
has to be restarted. Both subscriber clients are configured to have a
failover broker url, so that they first try to connect to their localhost
broker and if not available to the other. Failover of the clients seems to
work, but I found a problem in the following situation:

Each broker 'A' and 'B' have a durable subscriber client connected The
producer is sending to 'A'. Broker 'B' gets restarted. Client of 'B'
registers connection loss and switches to 'A'. 'B' comes up again, and
because it had itself registered as a durable subscriber to 'A' it gets the
message feed. It has no active durable subscriber now ('A' has now three,
including 'B''s outbound queue) and piles up until it reaches its
connection limits.

Is my configuration wrong? Is it possible what I've intended?

Cheers, Kai

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