Hello Christoph,

ACTIVEMQ_CLASSPATH is by default only set to include the conf/ directory.
E.g. if you start a default AMQ instance and connect to it using jconsole and 
click on the VM Summary tab, then you can see this parameter being passed into 
the JVM as follows


Looking at Main.java of activemq-console, subproject, it seems to be possible 
to add additional classpath entries to activemq.classpath, as this code section 

// Add any custom classpath specified from the system property
// activemq.classpath

Assuming you have packaged your custom classes into a jar file, you need to add 
the full jar file to the classpath, i.e. 

and not just the folder containing the jar file.

The easiest option for you is probably to place you custom classes in form of a 
jar file into the AMQ_HOME/lib/optional folder. That way these classes will be 
found at runtime. 

Hope this helps.

Torsten Mielke

On Jan 30, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Christoph Burmeister wrote:

> Hi users,
> I've written some classes (message-transformers for camel-routing) which
> should be used inside ActiveMQ. Actually at the moment I put them into the
> %ACTIVEMQ_HOME%\libs-folder and it works. In real-world deployment I want
> to separate the custom libraries from the ActiveMQ-own libraries while
> putting my own classes in another folder.
> After reading some documentation, it should work with the
> activemq.home-system-property. But my own classes are not found if I change
> the %ACTIVEMQ_CLASSPATH%-variable in activemq.bat from
> set
> to
> set
> As a workaround I use java.ext.dirs-property this way:
> and then add a property to the calling java-command in activemq.bat:
> And now while starting up the broker, my custom libraries are picked up
> from the customlibs-folder.
> This works, no questions, but it would be nicer if somebody could explain
> me, how to use the way with the activemq.classpath-property.
> best,
> christoph
> OS:    Win2k8 R2
> AMQ: 5.5.1
> JVM:  1.6.0_26

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