Hi Jason-

The community has definitely not abandoned the community documentation. As with many open source projects, there are only a few people dedicated to it full-time vs hundreds of users.

I don't think Fuse is trying to corner the documentation on the product or anything. Their docs are free. I look at it akin to a blogger posting something useful on his blog, instead of the community site.

I agree that single doc location is ideal, but volunteer resources are limited and mostly dedicated to solving code issues. If you know anyone that would like to help organize the community docs, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to get them tied in.

Matt Pavlovich


On 1/31/12 9:19 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:
So is the community abandoning its documentation in favor of the fuse 
documentation?  I've seen similar replies a few times to go look at fuse docs 
vs. what is on the activemq.apache.org site before.

Would be nice to have a single concise location to find the most 
current/accurate/comprehensive documentation for the project.


On Jan 30, 2012, at 1:41 AM, Torsten Mielke wrote:

Hello Jason,

Yes, you can simply set producerFlowControl=false on an out-of-the-box broker 
configuration without having to change the underlying cursor.
When disabling flow control, make sure to set upper limits for storeUsage 
tempUsage and memoryUsage to prevent the broker from running out of disk space 
or heap memory.

There is perhaps better documentation provided by FuseSource on this topic

Also see the persistence guide which has a full chapter on message cursors

Hope this helps,

Torsten Mielke

On Jan 29, 2012, at 2:36 AM, Jason Dillon wrote:

Near the bottom of this page 
http://activemq.apache.org/producer-flow-control.html it shows:

Disabling Flow Control
A common requirement is to disable flow control so that message dispatching 
continues until all available disk is used up by pending messages (whether 
persistent or non persistent messaging is configured). To do this enable 
Message Cursors.

And then on the page it refers http://activemq.apache.org/message-cursors.html 
the documentation suggests that the default cursor is the store impl.

If I want (and do) to use the default store impl but I want to disable flow 
control (as it says above) then there really is nothing to do related to 
message cursors, but only to set producerFlowControl=false for the 
destinations?  The documentation here is not clear.

Its also a bit confusing at the bottom of this page, where it covers "Configuring 
Cursors" that it also configures things like dispatch policy and deal letter 
strategy.  How are these related to cursors?

Also this document covers 3 cursors types vm, file and store, but the 
configuration guide at the bottom only states that vmCursor and fileCursor (for 
example) are valid.


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