It was an effort to increase the write throughput, but for kahadb the
bottleneck is the index so any gain/loss for different workloads was
over shadowed.
For the moment, stick with the defaults. The logging may help identify
the best value for journalMaxWriteBatchSize.

On 27 June 2013 18:55, Christian Posta <> wrote:
> Maybe Gary can give you more info, but the caller buffer appender is an
> experimental appender to help offload the buffering of writes to calling
> threads and reduce the time spent in the thread that actually writes to the
> journal. The write stat window is for logging purposes to get an idea of an
> avg size of write batches per WRITE_STAT_WINDOW writes.
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Paul Gale <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I came across the following system properties that are uses by the
>> kahaDBPersistenceAdapter, their default values are:
>> -Dorg.apache.kahadb.journal.appender.WRITE_STAT_WINDOW=0
>> -Dorg.apache.kahadb.journal.CALLER_BUFFER_APPENDER=false
>> A particular unit test recommends setting them to:
>> -Dorg.apache.kahadb.journal.appender.WRITE_STAT_WINDOW=10000
>> -Dorg.apache.kahadb.journal.CALLER_BUFFER_APPENDER=true
>> Are these type of values recommended for when one is dealing with
>> persistent messages backed by slow storage?
>> If not, can someone provide recommended scenarios when these values should
>> be adjusted (per the unit test example above)?
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
> --
> *Christian Posta*
> twitter: @christianposta


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