Your best bet would be to set logging to debug on the network bridge
(DemandForwardingBridgeSupport) and possibly the RegionBroker to see what
is happening.

On Wednesday, July 10, 2013, Praveen Bysani wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the following setup in my project,
>    1. multiple producers (p1,p2,p3) in Hongkong region sending variable
>    size non-persistent messages to a topic t1 on the broker (b1) in
>    Phillippines region
>    2. p1,p2 and p3 send messages frequently (~1 second)
>    3. each message has a time to live of 30 seconds
>    4. a tcp network bridge from b1 to a new broker b2 in HK region
>    5. consumers c1 in hongkong and c2 in europe subscribed to b2 through
>    ssl and a consumer c3 subscribed to t1 on b1 through tcp
> I don't see the same amount of messages received across c1, c2 and c3. The
> number of messages received is in the following order c3 > c1 > c2. I use
> the default settings for prefetch values and *vmCursor *for
> *pendingSubscriberPolicy
> *and *strictOrderDisptachpolicy*.
> While i understand there could be delays in passing the message to these
> consumers as c3 could be slow consumer and c1 is fast, shouldn't the
> message eventually be received to all consumers of a topic. Why do i see
> different volumes of messages across different consumers ? Someone please
> help me understand what is going on !!
> Another strange thing is after a while, there are no messages received  by
> c2 for a very long period. I suppose it is due to the prefetch size ? Since
> i am using a non persistent topic, the default value is quite high
> (according to activemq documentation), which again baffles me if that is
> really the reason.
> --
> Regards,
> Praveen Bysani

*Christian Posta*
twitter: @christianposta

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