Any comments?

At 2013-07-08 17:53:34,SuoNayi <> wrote:
>Hi,We are using Master/slave topology with shared database and the version is 
>Unfortunately the problem that messages get out of order happens accidentally 
>it breaks down our application since we really depend on message order 
>We're using Virtual Topic for publishing messages to different data centers 
>across country.
>Each data center has one or more exclusive subscribers.When the problem 
>some data centers(3 data centers last time) are seeing out-of-order message 
>while the others are ok.
>Since I know that concurrent consumers can make messages out of order when 
>they get restarted
>while obviously we are not this case.
>One of problem data centers only has one subscriber!That's why I think it must 
>be related with broker.
>I have also searched JIRA for more related reports but without luck.
>Any ideas or pointers?

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