
  I have a 5.3 installation that we're using, and I have 2 questions for it:

1) We have prefetch set to 1 for all of the message consumers on one queue,
where message handling is slow. But it still seems like messages aren't
really 'round robin' to the next available message consumer. I'll see a few
consumers are free but messages are waiting around. Is there a
configuration that can help?  (I should note that the server has been
running consistently for 9 months and it seems to be getting worse....
would a restart help?)

2) We are looking to upgrade to 5.9. I haven't started the process of
testing, but I wanted to see if this is a case where the 5.3 clients need
to be upgraded at the same time as the server, or if the clients can be
rolled over a few weeks to 5.9 after the server gets updated?


Virtually, Ned Wolpert

"Settle thy studies, Faustus, and begin..."   --Marlowe

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