I just wanted to add that when I am not using replication it works swimmingly.

But I'd really like to get replication working today. It is the main reason for the upgrade for me.

On 2014-03-25 17:15:18 +0000, Claus Ibsen said:

There has been numerous fixes and improves for leveldb on the 5.10
branch. So you may want to try building from latest source code and
try with a SNAPSHOT of 5.10.

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Oleg Dulin <oleg.du...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am running a similar test.

Replicated LevelDB, 3 Zookepers, 3 AMQ brokers with local_mem sync, I am
publishing messages on a queue using one thread, and taking them off that
queue on another thread.

Performance is abysmal, 1700 messages or so go out pretty quick, but then it
pauses every 50 messages or so.

The settings are mostly taken from the sample Replicated LevelDB

What gives ?

Any input is greatly appreciated.

On 2014-02-14 20:26:41 +0000, shippers said:

I'm testing with ActiveMQ Replicated too (latest SNAPSHOT build) and
similar problems with stability and reliability.  Performance-wise, it
depends on the messaging pattern, number of pubs / subs, message size, and
transaction size.  Also, very dependent on network speed and local disk

Can you describe your testing env?  Size of messages?  # of clients pub
sub?  Network speed?

I'm running a 3 node ActiveMQ quorum_mem and 3 node Zookeeper.

Example test, 1 pub and 1 sub client running on different hardware, 4k
message size, persisted messages, not using transactions, 10G network,
virtual hardware box of 2 CPUs and 8 GIGs memory.

~900 msgs/per sec steady state (pub / sub running normally, keeping up
each other)

Oleg Dulin

Oleg Dulin

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