I'm running AMQ 5.7.0 with a camel application (using camel 2.10.7, in
case that's relevant) and recently, the app has started logging these

WARN  o.a.c.c.j.DefaultJmsMessageListenerContainer - Setup of JMS
message listener invoker failed for destination 'play.save' - trying
to recover. Cause: Wire format negotiation timeout: peer did not send
his wire format.

Once that starts happening, it seems that AMQ drops all connections,
and won't allow any new ones to be created. The result is that nothing
can send or consume messages and I end up restarting AMQ to get things
rolling again.

That's not epic.

The odd thing is that this app ran for close to a year with the same
AMQ configuration, then started throwing these down about the same
time I increased the JVM memory limits for it and AMQ.

I'm kind of stumped and looking for options. I considered dropping the
memory limits back to where they were before, but the reason I
increased them is because we were getting a lot of volume, and that
appeared to be causing OOMs.

Any suggestions?


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