Does C connect (or did it connect previously) to A to establish that
durable subscription on A? Or is that durable sub staying around somehow on

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Paddy Carman <> wrote:

> Seeking the experts help here.
> I have 2 brokers - A and B - connected as networks of brokers configuration
> using network connectors.
> P ------------ A -----B-------------C
> There is one publisher P connected to A that published to topic
> /topic/foo/bar. I also have a durable subscriber C for the topic.
> Initially C is connected to B. When P publishes message "hello1" to the
> topic, C receives the message. Now C disconnects from B and connects to A
> and subscribes to the same topic. Weird thing is that C received the same
> message "hello1" again.
> Question: Is it weird or is it the expected behavior? How can I avoid C
> from getting messages that it had already received (when it connected to a
> different broker earlier)?
> I have tested this with MQTT (cleansession=0, clientid set) as well as
> STOMP (client-id and activemq.subscriptionName values set). Both have the
> same behavior.
> Appreciate your help!
> Thanks,
> PC

*Christian Posta*
twitter: @christianposta

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