Please raise a jira issue to track this. we may need to track pull requests
or it could be some sort of race. In any event it is a bug.
On 7 Aug 2014 01:09, "wayn23" <> wrote:

> I have run into an intermittent problem with ActiveMQ V5.9.0. The
> intermittent
> was tracked down to being a connection error that does not get properly
> recovered.
> I have recreated the problem in a very small example by creating a Camel
> consumer route that retrieves messages from a JMS queue and writes the text
> message to a log.
>         from(TEST_QUEUE).routeId(TEST_QUEUE).convertBodyTo(String.class)
>                                 .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, loggerName,
> "Request Received ");
>   The connection string used is
> failover:(tcp://
> Please note that polling is being used when the prefetch size is set to 0.
> I then use Hawtio on the ActiveMQ broker to add some text messages to the
> queue. It works fine.
> I then stop the Client Connector on the ActiveMQ broker side to simulate a
> broken connection on the consumer side. (The broker must be remote to the
> consumer or the error will not occur.)  The client logs show that an
> EOFException is caught and the connection is reestablished. The connection
> also
> appears on the ActiveMQ broker. it only looks good though. Sending new text
> messages to the queue will not be processed. They will just sit there.
> There
> are no errors or warnings logged on either the consumer or broker servers.
> Restarting the consumer will cause the messages to get processed. The
> reconnection only intermittently fails. I find is much more like to occur
> if
> 10
> minutes pass from the previous message being processed.
> I turned on trace=yes in the connection string and found the root cause is
> the
> PullMessage commands are occasionally not being issued after a reconnect.
> On
> cases where it works, the log shows that the PullMessage commands do
> reinstate.
> I have included a log file of the failed reconnect, where the PullMessage
> commands are not restarted.  Simply restarting the consumer will resolve
> the
> problem.
> FailedReconnect.log
> <>
> I am wondering if this might be a race condition, as this problem only
> showed up
> when the consumer was on fast servers
> --
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