On 10/22/2014 10:06 AM, Gary Tully wrote:
i think you are making a strong case for having an option to disable the
expiry check client side. Please raise an jira issue to track it and if you
have a moment to make a test and patch even better.
something like jms.consumerExiryCheck=false (and leave the default as is

The ActiveMQ .NET client has this option to solve similar complaints, so you can look there for inspiration.

On 22 October 2014 12:04, Fred Moore <fred.moor...@gmail.com> wrote:

I see your point about the need to have fully synchronized clocks and the
inherent value of being strictly compliant with JMS specs... ...on the
other hand I have some real world scenarios at hand that drive me to be
extremely pragmatic:

1\ More often that not clocks are reasonably but not fully in synch ...we
need to live with it

2\ Message expiration is an incredibly valuable and popular feature of the
JMS API, and more in general of message oriented middleware ...we don't
want to renounce to it

3\ ActiveMQ provides pragmatic tools to fix clock problems between the
producers and the broker via the TimeStampingBrokerPl​ugin, which BTW
happens to cause a breach of the JMS specs ("since the timestamp that the
producer sees on the messages after as send() will be different from the
timestamp the consumer will observe when he receives the message")

4\ Some APIs, like ActiveMQ Stomp API, are proved to be well behaved on the
consumer side even in case of out-of-synch clocks

5\ ActiveMQ JMS API -- the best and most widely used API -- appears not to
have ways to inhibit the check client side check on JMSExpiration

Any thought?
Is there a way to solve the JMS consumer side issue with out-of-synch


On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Robbie Gemmell <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com>

Hi Fred,

If you are using message expiration, you ultimately need to have a handle
on the degree of time synchronization between your hosts.

The JMS API says for Message#getJMSExpiration() that "Clients should not
receive messages that have expired; however, the JMS API does not
that this will not happen". The escape clause there is effectively to
the race that occurs when you decide 'this hasn't expired', only for the
expiration point to have passed by the time the delivery is completed and
an application checks the value. The earlier bit is saying if
currentTime, client applications shouldnt see the message.
If a JMS client receives a message from a broker and possibly examines
JMSExpiration value, it may determine that according to its local time
message expiry time has already been passed, at which point it becomes an
interesting question as to whether the message should be given to a
consuming application or not. Some implementations will do so simply
because they dont check this, and others wont because they are trying to
enforce what the spec says above and according to the information at hand
the message really has actually expired. Different people might prefer
or the other behaviour.

The same issue could reasonably exist between a producer and a broker it
sends to on another host, which might never give a message out to a
consumer because it had 'already expired when it arrived' for similar

Going back to the start this is basically to say, if you are using TTL
based expiration you need to ensure an appropriate level of clock
synchronization for your particular needs.

I'll leave the specifics of the questions to someone familiar with the


On 21 October 2014 16:14, Fred Moore <fred.moor...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi folks,

I found a situation where the handling of timestamps/expirations by
ActiveMQ 5.10 appears not to be correct, and unfortunately -- being
consumer side issue -- it does not appear to be solvable via classic
TimeStampingBrokerPlugin tweaks.


S1\ Broker B1 runs on HOST1
S2\ Producer P1 is a java JMS application running on HOST1
S3\ HOST1 is on UTC timezone
S4\ B1 has BrokerTimestampingPlugin with futureOnly=true configured
     (even if I think it does not play any role in this specific case)
S4\ Consumer C1 is a java JMS API application running on HOST2
S5\ Consumer C2 is a java STOMP API application running on HOST2
S6\ HOST2 is on UTC timezone and its clock is 3 mins ahead of HOST1

Test case:

T1\ P1 sends  message M1 with TTL=1 minute
T2\ C1 on HOST2 immediately tries to receive a message but it does not
it because
     according to HOST2 clock that message has already expired (see [*]
T3\ C2 on HOST2 tries to receive a message and it succeeds


Q1\ The behaviour looks client API/technology dependent, is this
    [I think it's not]
Q2\ It looks like the JMS layer in C1 is re-checking expiration on
candidate messages
    "served" to it by the broker, causing the reported issue: is there a
to inhibit
    this extra logic in JMS?
Q3\ Is my assumption about BrokerTimestampingPlugin being useless here
     [It can only influence the produced messages and not the consumed
If there is no general solution to this it means that messages are
ignored by ActiveMQ JMS consumers every time these [not so uncommon]
conditions are verified:

F1\ the consumer clock runs ahead of the broker clock by X seconds
F2\ the TTL of messages is less than X seconds
F3\ the consumer is a java JMS application

Please help!

[*] Trace showing C1 misperception of M1 expiration

2014-10-21 15:53:11,987 [TestListener] DEBUG ActiveMQMessageConsumer
.dequeue - ID:gd-57426-1413899591527-1:1:1:1 received expired message:
MessageDispatch {commandId = 0, responseRequired = false, consumerId =
ID:gd-57426-1413899591527-1:1:1:1, destination = queue://TEST, message
ActiveMQTextMessage {commandId = 9, responseRequired = false,
messageId =
originalDestination =
null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId =
ID:narsil104.narsil104-29953-1413889401564-3:3:1:1, destination =
queue://TEST, transactionId = null, expiration = 1413898985466,
timestamp =
1413898385466, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1413898385466,
brokerOutTime =
1413898389795, correlationId = , replyTo = null, persistent = false,
type =
, priority = 0, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId =
compressed = false, userID = null, content =
org.apache.activemq.util.ByteSequence@642a590d, marshalledProperties =
null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0,
properties =
null, readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable =
jmsXGroupFirstForConsumer = false, text = Exp 5 min}, redeliveryCounter
= 0

Tim Bish
Sr Software Engineer | RedHat Inc.
tim.b...@redhat.com | www.redhat.com
skype: tabish121 | twitter: @tabish121
blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

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