I said that those options are related to LevelDB and not ActiveMQ because,
very simply, they're features of LevelDB; for example, you can see both
variables in the LevelDB API at
which was the second search result in Google when I searched for  '
"paranoidChecks" LevelDB'.  These are features of LevelDB, implemented by
the developers of LevelDB, and best understood by the developers of
LevelDB, which is why I suggested that you'd get better answers from the
people who developed LevelDB than from the people who simply chose to use
it.  After all, you're frustrated because you're not getting answers to
your LevelDB questions on this list, right?  Maybe it's because this list
isn't the one where all the people who know LevelDB well hang out...

Of the four questions you linked to:

   - #1 is about when LevelDB does garbage collection of its log files,
   which are a LevelDB core feature and not an ActiveMQ addition.
   - #2 is about whether you can safely copy LevelDB's internal data files
   (which are a LevelDB core feature and not an ActiveMQ addition) from one
   instance to another, and whether the new instance will be able to use them
   to populate the database; although there's a portion of the question that's
   whether ActiveMQ will handle a copied database correctly if LevelDB is able
   to load it in the first place, there's a large part of the question that's
   simply when you can safely assume that LevelDB is finished writing its
   files and whether a new database will read them properly, which are a
   LevelDB core feature and not an ActiveMQ addition.
   - #3 is primarily a question about the claims made by the ActiveMQ
   documentation, so it's a reasonable question for this list.
   - #4 is a question about the default compression values used by LevelDB,
   which are a LevelDB core feature and not an ActiveMQ addition.

Your statement that "all of them are related to ActiveMQ using leveldb.
None is related to core leveldb features" isn't accurate; although a some
portions of your questions are related to how ActiveMQ uses LevelDB, the
meat of most of them is really about LevelDB's inner workings, and I think
you're more likely to get those answers on the LevelDB list.

Also, you seem to be confused about what ActiveMQ is, so let's be clear:
ActiveMQ is an open-source project, whose code, documentation, and support
via this mailing list are all written by volunteers like you and me, who
donate their time to help others.  The people on this mailing lists aren't
vendors (or if they are, I feel pretty confident guessing that you haven't
paid them for a support contract), so any help anyone gives is because they
choose to spend their free time helping you instead of any of the other
things they could do with their free time.  If you ask a question and
someone knows the answer and wants to help, then great; if not, then look
for answers in other places (which is why I've pointed you to the LevelDB
mailing list), go pay for a support contract with a company who you can
hold accountable for not responding to your questions after 5 days, or grab
the source code - since this is an open-source project and it's all freely
available - and figure it out yourself and then improve the documentation
for the next person.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:34 PM, khandelwalanuj <khandelwal.anu...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> These are the questions I asked and all of them are related to ActiveMQ
> using
> leveldb. None is related to core leveldb features.
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/Garbage-Collection-in-LevelDB-td4686752.html
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/Replicated-LevelDB-Manually-copying-data-from-one-leveldb-store-to-another-td4686931.html
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/LevelDB-hard-links-td4686884.html
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/Default-compaction-parameter-for-each-level-in-ActiveMQ-using-leveldb-td4686958.html
> Thanks,
> Anuj
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/paranoid-check-and-verify-checksum-configuration-for-levelDB-tp4686923p4686989.html
> Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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