On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 8:37 AM, arun196 <arun.bi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a consumer that processes orders from messages received from activemq.
> I would like to set a timeout in case the order processing takes over 5
> minutes.

I'm sorry, it's not clear to me from your description what
it is that you are intending to effect with the timeout.

Is the concern that the consumer has "gone away," and
won't ever ack the message?  Or that the consumer is
really really slow, but still working?  Is it possible that, if
one waits long enough, that this 5+ minute message will
finally be processed?

Are you using transactions to handle the fetch/process/ack
cycle?  I would think that would be one typical way to
handle the problem, but your client has to handle the logic
of deciding whether or not it can finally ack a message.


Looking around, I see that back in 5.9 the ActiveMQ folks
introduced a broker-side configuration called


I'm not sure whether or not it's still active code, but
here's an article discussing it when it was released:


If that's still available, it might be a way to force a
timeout and redelivery if you know that the consumer
has actually failed if it takes longer than specified


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