So about 40 hours after fixing the settings so that both activemq and
zookeeper agreed on what the session timeout is, I haven't seen any new
instances of the errors I was seeing before.  Previously it'd typically be
no more than 4 hours between complaints about needing to re-establish
zookeeper connections.

If I'm right, then this indicates the instability I saw can be masked over
by making sure the two agree on the session timeout, but that the
fundamental fragility of the activemq zookeeper client code is still a
potential risk.


On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 6:27 PM James A. Robinson <> wrote:

> Hrm...  I'm wondering if this is due to the zookeeper server having a
> default session timeout of 40 seconds vs. a lower one I set for the
> activemq node...

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