For 2b, the answer is "yes".  Both KahaDB and LevelDB are generally held to
be considerably faster than JDBC.

Previous questions to this mailing list about JDBC store performance have
netted responses along the lines of "not much effort has been made to tune
it, and there's very little interest in it (other than from people new to
ActiveMQ before they figure out they should be using something else
instead), so no one's likely to put much effort into tuning it."  With that
being said, you're welcome to fork the git repo, figure out how to make it
faster, and submit a pull request; we wouldn't mind having it be faster (as
long as you don't break correctness, so anything that doesn't issue a SQL
statement per message-subscription pair will need to prove it's not causing
potential errors if an unplanned shutdown occurs at just the wrong time),
if you want to spend the time to make it that way.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 7:16 AM, will1 <> wrote:

> Hi
> We are currently experiencing database performance issues with an activeMQ
> JDBC datastore.
> The key components involved are as follows:
>         - ActiveMQ 5.10
>         - MySQL 5.6.20
> In terms of activeMQ, for resilience we have a simple master/slave setup
> with a load balancer directing traffic at the current master which in turn
> has the current lock on the shared non high performance journal database.
> DB performance issues happen in 2 key areas:
>         1. Number of DB transactions issued by activeMQ appear to be
> relatively
> high. For example in our test:
>                 a. A backlog of messages contained roughly 1000 messages.
> We had 10
> offline subscribers. When the subscribers were brought back online and the
> messages were delivered we had an update for each message and subscription
> combination ie 10,000 updates being issued. Obviously scaling this to 100
> users results in 100,000 updates etc.
> This behaviour, combined with the multitude of other transactions such as
> when a message is written to the broker all offline subscriptions are
> updated in the activeMQ_acks table eg for 100 offline subscriptions, 100
> update statements are issued every time a message is received, results is a
> very high number of transactions being issued to the DB.
>         2. In turn the DB especially the replication aspect of this is
> struggling
> to keep up.
> So initially 2 questions:
>         1. Is there any configuration to reduce or tune the number of
> transactions
> issued to the DB.
>         2. Would a different datastore strategy provide better performance
> in terms
> of persistence eg
>                 a. High performance journaled JDBC (MySQL) (would just
> need a solution to
> replicate the journal)
>                 b. File based datastore eg replicated level DB store with
> zookper.
> Inputs would be greatly appreciated.
> --
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