That seems very slow for a simple throughput test - my simple Camel tests have 
usually been in the 1000’s msgs/sec range.

Can you share the full test?

> On Mar 31, 2016, at 12:01 AM, Frizz <> wrote:
> In an atempt to improve the throughput of my system I did various tests. I
> started with a simple setup:
> - 1 Topic, non persistent
> - 1 Producer
> - 1 Consumer
> - Messge size: 4k
> - Active MQ 5.12.1
> My system is reasonably fast (8 cores, 32GB memory, SSD) - still I only
> manage to send & receive about 45.000 messages per second.
> Basically my producer looks like this:
>    ...
>    ConnectionFactory factory = new
> ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://loclhost:61616");
>    Connection connection = factory.createConnection();
>    session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
>    producer = session.createProducer(null);
>    connection.start();
>    for (long i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
>        final Topic topic = session.createTopic(topicName);
>        producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT);
>        BytesMessage message = session.createBytesMessage();
>        message.writeBytes(someByteArray); // size 4k
>        producer.send(topic, message);
>    }
>    ...
> I measured the time that the consumer spends in its onMessage() method and
> it's only about 1% of its total runtime (so consuming the messages is not a
> bottleneck (no surprise, because of BytesMessages)).
> 45.000 messages/second does not sound *that* much to me - is this the
> maximum I can expect to get from Active MQ?
> I did some further tests increasing the number of topic consumers - and
> noticed that my msg/sec drop. But the total amount of mes/sec that pass
> through my system stays roughly the same (OK, with some shrinkage/friction):
> producer: 45.000
> consumer: 45.000
> ---------        -> 90.000 total
> producer: 28.700
> consumer: 28.700
> consumer: 28.700
> ---------        -> 86.100 total
> producer: 20.400
> consumer: 20.400
> consumer: 20.400
> consumer: 20.400
> ---------        -> 81.600 total
> producer: 15.700
> consumer: 15.700
> consumer: 15.700
> consumer: 15.700
> consumer: 15.700
> ---------        -> 78.500 total
> What I had expected would look more like this:
> producer: 43.000
> consumer: 43.000
> consumer: 43.000
> consumer: 43.000
> consumer: 43.000
> Where does this "global total msg/sec limit" come from? Where is the
> bottleneck?

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