Noone uses PropertiesLoginModule and reloading?

Gary, so I should file a jira for this right?

- Simon

On Thu, 2016-03-10 at 17:14:48 +0100, Simon Lundström wrote:
> Hi!
> I talked to Gary Tully on IRC (and mail) and we decided it was best that
> I mailed the mailinglist since he was pretty sure that someone here had
> solved this.
> We are running 5.13.0 and are trying to get {user,group} to
> be reloaded automatically when they are changed.
> In the init.d-script we've added:
> "
> and login.config looks like this:
> activemq-domain {
>   org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required
>     debug=true
>     reload=true
>   ;
> };
> system=manager
> nagios=nagios
> monitoring=system
> activemq.xml excerpt:
> […]
>     <plugins>
>       <!-- The configuration value matches the JAAS realm in login.config -->
>       <jaasAuthenticationPlugin configuration="activemq-domain" />
>       <!-- Enable hot reloading of the The configuration value matches the 
> JAAS realm in login.config -->
>       <runtimeConfigurationPlugin checkPeriod="0" />
>       <authorizationPlugin>
>          <map>
>            <authorizationMap>
>                <authorizationEntry
>                  queue="aliveness-test"
>                  read="monitoring"
>                  write="monitoring"
>                  admin="monitoring"
>                />
>              </authorizationEntries>
>            </authorizationMap>
>          </map>
>        </authorizationPlugin>
> […]
> With this configuration the user nagios should be able to access the queue 
> aliveness-test.
> To reproduce, modify so it looks like:
> monitoring=system,nagios
> Check your logs (you need to enable debug logging on 
> org.apache.activemq.jaas.ReloadableProperties):
> {"thread":"ActiveMQ NIO Worker 
> 622","level":"DEBUG","loggerName":"org.apache.activemq.jaas.ReloadableProperties","message":"Load
>  of: PropsFile=/local/activemq/conf/../conf.d/approved/"}
> so the reloading works, but nagios still can't consume from (or produce to) 
> the queue:
> {"thread":"ActiveMQ NIO Worker 
> 2","level":"WARN","loggerName":"","message":"Security
>  Error occurred on connection to: tcp://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:45357, User nagios is 
> not authorized to read from: queue://aliveness-test"}
> Note: If I restart ActiveMQ nagios can consume and produce from the
> queue.
> Is there any configuration that I've missed?
> Is this a bug?
> BR,
> - Simon
> ____________________________________
> Simon Lundström
> Section for Infrastructure
> IT Services
> Stockholm University
> SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

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