I have fixed something similar to this on master (It was a dead lock).

Can you try against master or a snapshot?

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 4:24 PM, John D. Ament <johndam...@apache.org> wrote:
> I'm using Camel AMQP Component (which uses Qpid under the hood) to connect
> to Artemis.  Both are running locally on my mac.  My routes are simply:
> from("amqp:queue:incoming").process(exchange -> {
>             System.out.println(exchange.getIn().getBody());
>         });
>         from("timer:incoming?period=500")
>                 .process(exchange -> {
>                     exchange.getIn().setBody("Boop "+new Date());
>                     exchange.getOut().setBody("BoopOut "+new Date());
>                 })
>                 .to("amqp:queue:incoming");
> After I terminate the client abruptly and restart it (for durability
> testing), I'm seeing the broker not deliver messages to the consumer.
> After I restart the broker (even when the client is still running), I see
> the consumer start back up.
> I'm wondering if this is an issue w/ Artemis or with Qpid.  Has anyone seen
> something similar?
> John

Clebert Suconic

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