Thank You Tim -

Is there an example of an interceptor somewhere in the code base I can use as a 
reference to get started on this?

BTW - I did it working with the Camel Broker Component by switching from 
<recipientList> to <routingSlip>.  I’m not sure why that made a difference, but 
it did.

> On Apr 28, 2016, at 10:53 PM, Tim Bain <> wrote:
> I think you want to be using interceptors (
>, not consuming from a queue
> and then publishing back to the same queue.  I've always believed that
> embedded Camel routes couldn't be inserted into the middle of accepting a
> message (which is what you really want), but interceptors should be able to
> do that.
> Tim
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:49 PM, Quinn Stevenson <
>> wrote:
>> I’m trying to use the ActiveMQ Broker Camel Component to add some JMS user
>> properties to messages as they arrive at the broker.  I’m using a wildcard
>> on the from so I can apply the same logic to a set of topics or queues, but
>> I can’t seem to send the message back to the original queue.
>> Without wildcards, it works fine - something like this:
>> <beans xmlns="";
>>       xmlns:xsi="";
>>       xsi:schemaLocation="
>>    <camelContext id="audit-enrichment" xmlns="
>>        <route id="in-audit-to-file">
>>            <from uri="broker://queue:in.adt.epic"/>
>>            <setHeader headerName="MyCustomHeader">
>>                <constant>MyHeaderValue</constant>
>>            </setHeader>
>>            <to uri="broker://queue:in.adt.epic" />
>>        </route>
>>    </camelContext>
>> </beans>
>> However when I put in the wildcards, I get and IllegalStateException.  The
>> configuration I’m trying looks like this
>> <beans xmlns="";
>>       xmlns:xsi="";
>>       xsi:schemaLocation="
>>    <camelContext id="audit-enrichment" xmlns="
>>        <route id="in-audit-to-file">
>>            <from uri="broker://queue:in.adt.*"/>
>>            <setHeader headerName="MyCustomHeader">
>>                <constant>MyHeaderValue</constant>
>>            </setHeader>
>>            <recipientList>
>>                <simple>broker://${header[JMSDestination]}</simple>
>>            </recipientList>
>>        </route>
>>    </camelContext>
>> </beans>
>> And here’s the exception I get
>> 2016-04-28 12:47:43,721 | ERROR | Failed delivery for (MessageId:
>> ID-macpro-local-53588-1461869253207-0-2 on ExchangeId:
>> ID-macpro-local-53588-1461869253207-0-3). Exhausted after delivery attempt:
>> 1 caught: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not the original message from
>> the broker Message: Enter some text here for the message body...
>> Message History
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> RouteId              ProcessorId          Processor
>>                                                Elapsed (ms)
>> [in-audit-to-file  ] [in-audit-to-file  ] [broker://queue:in.adt.*
>>                                               ] [        23]
>> [in-audit-to-file  ] [setHeader1        ] [setHeader[MyCustomHeader]
>>                                               ] [         3]
>> [in-audit-to-file  ] [recipientList1    ]
>> [recipientList[simple{broker://${header[JMSDestination]}}]
>>   ] [        18]
>> Exchange
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Exchange[
>>        Id                  ID-macpro-local-53588-1461869253207-0-3
>>        ExchangePattern     InOnly
>>        Headers
>> {breadcrumbId=ID:macpro.local-53587-1461869252118-4:1:1:1:1,
>> CamelRedelivered=false, CamelRedeliveryCounter=0, JMSCorrelationID=,
>> JMSCorrelationIDAsBytes=, JMSDeliveryMode=1,
>> JMSDestination=queue://in.adt.epic, JMSExpiration=0,
>> JMSMessageID=ID:macpro.local-53587-1461869252118-4:1:1:1:1, JMSPriority=0,
>> JMSRedelivered=false, JMSReplyTo=null, JMSTimestamp=1461869263684,
>> JMSType=, JMSXGroupID=null, JMSXUserID=null, MyCustomHeader=MyHeaderValue}
>>        BodyType            String
>>        Body                Enter some text here for the message body...
>> ]
>> Stacktrace
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> | org.apache.camel.processor.DefaultErrorHandler | ActiveMQ VMTransport:
>> vm://localhost#1
>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not the original message from the broker
>> Message: Enter some text here for the message body...
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.CamelInternalProcessor.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.MulticastProcessor.doProcessSequential([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.MulticastProcessor.doProcessSequential([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.MulticastProcessor.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.RecipientList.sendToRecipientList([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.RecipientList.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.CamelInternalProcessor.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.CamelInternalProcessor.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.camel.processor.DelegateAsyncProcessor.process([camel-core-2.16.2.jar:2.16.2]
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQMessage.visit([activemq-client-5.13.2.jar:5.13.2]
>>        at
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.apache.activemq.transport.ResponseCorrelator.onCommand([activemq-client-5.13.2.jar:5.13.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.activemq.transport.MutexTransport.onCommand([activemq-client-5.13.2.jar:5.13.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.activemq.transport.vm.VMTransport.iterate([activemq-broker-5.13.2.jar:5.13.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.activemq.thread.DedicatedTaskRunner.runTask([activemq-client-5.13.2.jar:5.13.2]
>>        at
>> org.apache.activemq.thread.DedicatedTaskRunner$[activemq-client-5.13.2.jar:5.13.2]
>> 2016-04-28 12:47:43,727 | WARN  | Error processing intercepted message:
>> ActiveMQTextMessage {commandId = 5, responseRequired = false, messageId =
>> ID:macpro.local-53587-1461869252118-4:1:1:1:1, originalDestination = null,
>> originalTransactionId = null, producerId =
>> ID:macpro.local-53587-1461869252118-4:1:1:1, destination =
>> queue://in.adt.epic, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp =
>> 1461869263684, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 0, brokerOutTime = 0,
>> correlationId = , replyTo = null, persistent = false, type = , priority =
>> 0, groupID = null, groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed =
>> false, userID = null, content = null, marshalledProperties = null,
>> dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter = 0, size = 0, properties = null,
>> readOnlyProperties = true, readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false,
>> jmsXGroupFirstForConsumer = false, text = Enter some text here for the
>> message body...}.
>> Exchange[ID-macpro-local-53588-1461869253207-0-1][BrokerJmsMessage[JMSMessageID:
>> ID:macpro.local-53587-1461869252118-4:1:1:1:1]. Caused by:
>> [java.lang.IllegalStateException - Not the original message from the broker
>> Message: Enter some text here for the message body...] |
>> | ActiveMQ
>> VMTransport: vm://localhost#1
>> Is there a way to accomplish what I’m after?

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