Sorry, I just re-read your description of the behavior and clearly it's not
first-match as I had believed.  But I still believe that there are no
merging semantics available, so the solutions I described still apply
except for the statement that you need to reorder the list, which sounds
from your description like it should have no effect.
On Jun 11, 2016 9:38 AM, "Tim Bain" <> wrote:

> I believe the semantics are first-match, not
> merge-all-matches-overwriting-conflicts (e.g. how Spring loads properties)
> and not merge-all-matches-not-overwriting-conflicts (e.g. how Ant loads
> properties).
> You could request the ability to select a different semantic (which would
> require someone to implement any semantics other than first-match) through
> a JIRA enhancement request, if you want that.  In the meantime, put your
> more-specific match first and include all the content of the generic case
> along with the things that are specific.
> Tim
> On Jun 10, 2016 2:54 AM, "Johan Carlquist" <> wrote:
> Hi!
> Our config:
> =====
> [...]
> <policyEntries>
>   <policyEntry queue=">" >
>     <networkBridgeFilterFactory>
>       <conditionalNetworkBridgeFilterFactory
>         replayWhenNoConsumers="true"
>       />
>     </networkBridgeFilterFactory>
>   </policyEntry>
>   <policyEntry queue="just.another.queue">
>     <deadLetterStrategy>
>       <individualDeadLetterStrategy
>         processExpired="true"
>         processNonPersistent="true"
>         queueSuffix=".DLQ"
>         useQueueForQueueMessages="true"
>       />
>     </deadLetterStrategy>
>   </policyEntry>
> <policyEntries>
> [...]
> =====
> So we have some queues; queue1, queue2 and so on. They all match the
> first wildcard entry in the configuration and allows messages to jump
> between our network of brokers even if they already been transfered from
> the reciving broker already. (replayWhenNoConsumers="true")
> Just as we want and expected.
> Then we have this other queue, "just.another.queue" which requires some
> more specific DLQ settings. But we still want the messages to been able
> to jump between the brokers even if they have the reciving broker as
> origin. This doesn't work. Our hope and exceptation was that the our
> more queue specific entry would inheritance from the wildcard entry and
> therfor allow messages jump freely. But the messages are stuck and TRACE
> gives us "Message all ready routed once through target broker [...]".
> Is this the way it should work? Is there any inheritance between
> policies or is it most specific wins?
> --
> jocar

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