No - Camel don’t have a “/dev/null” endpoint.  However, if you don’t want the 
message to go anywhere, just don’t send it (i.e. bypass the to).  If you really 
need the to, you can always send it to a log uri - something like <to 
uri="log:com.mycompany.order?level=TRACE”/>.  Then you can configure the 
logging system to not log that category (or to log it to another file, etc).

The access to the header looks OK - I normally use something like 
${header[FirstProperty]}, but that’s just me.  Also, sometimes I’ve had to use 
“simple” in the expression as well or the property placeholder system get’s 
confused - i.e. $simple{header[FirstProperty]}

> On Jun 24, 2016, at 5:22 AM, daelliott <> wrote:
> ${in.header.FirstProperty}='msgType1'

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