Hi Andy,

The attachments don't seem to have come through for me?  Could you please
send over the broker.xml and your log out put and I will take a look.

I noticed you referred to the docs from 1.0.0, we're up to 1.3.0 now I
would use the latest version of the broker and docs.


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Andy Redhead <andy.redh...@oneadvanced.com>

> Hi,
> I'm new to Artemis and AMQP so it's quite likely I'm doing something
> stupid...
> I'd like to be able to send messages from an AMQP client through Artemis
> to a Java client (running in the same JVM as Artemis, using an in-VM
> connector).
> For now, the remote client is written in Java using the Apache Qpid
> Proton-J AMQP library. Longer term, the client will be written in C.
> The code is running on my macbook pro laptop using Oracle Java8 (no native
> libraries installed).
> The problem I have is that when I try to use Proton-J to send (or receive)
> messages via Artemis, no messages are sent/received and the interaction
> between the clients and Artemis server look a bit "strange" (more below).
> I'd really appreciate some pointers on how to get (Java) AMQP clients
> interacting with Artemis.
> (the Artemis documentation at: https://activemq.apache.org/
> artemis/docs/1.0.0/examples.html talks about an example in the section
> titled "Proton Qpid" that refers to an example called "proton-j" - this
> doesn't seem to exist in the distribution or on GitHub, there is an example
> called "Queue" that uses Qpid JMS but I'm not sure that's relevant as I
> don't want to use JMS and I want to use a queue that already exists in
> Artemis, rather than creating a new queue when the producer connects)
> The rest of this email describes what I've been doing...
> The server side is a an embedded Artemis core that is started up by a
> simple spring app running in Tomcat (spring config and source code
> "AsyncMsgBrokerAmqArtemis.java" attached).
> The broker.xml file used to configure Artemis is also attached. It is
> intentionally a very minimal configuration, with no security or message
> persistence. There are acceptors configured for both the default Artemis
> port and the default AMQP port.
> I think this setup works because if I use a remote client using the core
> Artemis API I can send and receive messages as expected.
> Now to the behaviour using AMQP...
> Code for the producer (QpidProtonSend.java) and consumer
> (QpidProtonReceive.java) is attached, both classes are pretty much the qpid
> example code available at:
> https://github.com/apache/qpid-proton/blob/master/
> examples/java/messenger/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/proton/example
> There is a queue called "ctest" in broker.xml, I'm intending for the
> producer to write messages onto that queue and the consumer to read
> messages from that queue.
> Producer)
> I start the producer from a command line using a command such as:
> java -classpath './build/output/lib/*:./build/libs/*'
> com.adv365.solutions.asyncmsg.amqpclient.QpidProtonSend -a
> amqp://localhost:5672/ hello
> When the client is first started the producer writes the following to
> stdout:
> put message: Message{properties=Properties{messageId=null, userId=null,
> to='amqp://localhost:5672/', subject='null', replyTo='null',
> correlationId=null, contentType=null, contentEncoding=null,
> absoluteExpiryTime=null, creationTime=null, groupId='null',
> groupSequence=null, replyToGroupId='null'}body=AmqpValue{hello}}
> Then things seem to hang for about a minute until finally (probably linked
> to a timeout at the server end, see server trace level logs
> "server-send-log.txt") the producer writes the following to stdout:
> sent message: Message{properties=Properties{messageId=null, userId=null,
> to='amqp://localhost:5672/', subject='null', replyTo='null',
> correlationId=null, contentType=null, contentEncoding=null,
> absoluteExpiryTime=null, creationTime=null, groupId='null',
> groupSequence=null, replyToGroupId='null'}body=AmqpValue{hello}}
> In the server logs there is a line for when the producer connects:
> 2016-08-09T10:33:29,985 4900511 [Thread-11 
> (activemq-netty-threads-1155186594)]
> TRACE o.a.a.a.c.r.s.i.RemotingServiceImpl - Connection created
> org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.remoting.impl.netty.
> NettyServerConnection@4b2fd1ac[local= /, remote=/
> And around a minute later, visibly around the same time as the producer
> claims to have sent a message there is the line:
> 2016-08-09T10:34:31,353 4961879 [activemq-failure-check-thread] DEBUG
> o.a.a.a.c.r.s.i.RemotingServiceImpl - RemotingServiceImpl::removing
> connection ID -1728467180
> The following log lines are available in full in server-send-log.txt, I
> think the key point is:
>        "Did not receive data from /"
> My two observations about this are:
>  - why did the producer hang until something timed out on the server,
> rather than simply sending a message and disconnecting immediately?
>  - why does the producer think that a message has been sent ok while the
> server doesn't think it received any data?
> Consumer)
> With a freshly re-started tomcat, I start the consumer in a new command
> prompt using:
> java -classpath './build/output/lib/*:./build/libs/*'
> com.adv365.solutions.asyncmsg.amqpclient.QpidProtonReceive -a
> amqp://localhost:5672/ctest
> The consumer writes to stdout:
> Qpid receiver subscribed to address: amqp://localhost:5672/ctest
> The consumer then hangs for about a minute (until something times out on
> the server side) and then starts printing:
> Qpid receiver before while, incoming count: 0
> (I put a Thread.pause(2000) in the while loop that reads messages in as
> without it went into a tight loop)
> On the server side the logs show a similar pattern to the producer case
> (full text in attachment "server-receive-log.txt"), starting with a
> connection being made:
> 2016-08-09T11:05:24,456 276082 [Thread-3 (activemq-netty-threads-281722346)]
> TRACE o.a.a.a.c.r.s.i.RemotingServiceImpl - Connection created
> org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.remoting.impl.netty.
> NettyServerConnection@4c2adf51[local= /, remote=/
> Then around a minute later the server kills off the connection:
> 2016-08-09T11:06:24,711 336337 [activemq-failure-check-thread] DEBUG
> o.a.a.a.c.r.s.i.RemotingServiceImpl - RemotingServiceImpl::removing
> connection ID -2079259663
> My observations on this are:
>  - Why did the consumer hang until the server side timed out
>  - Once the server had timed out, why did the client start to poll as if
> nothing was wrong?
> Cheers, Andy
> Andy Redhead
> Principal Consultant > Solutions > Advanced ________________________
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