Thanks for your reply.

> On 27 Sep 2016, at 14:59, Tim Bain <> wrote:
> Do the stats you see in JConsole line up with KahaDBJournalReader (what's
> that?), or with the web console?  And do you see an open XA transaction in
> JConsole, like Steve did?

No traces of XA transactions.

> I'd guess that the negative values indicate that whatever code you
> hacked'n'slashed has a bug, either in the code you started with or in the
> code you changed/added.  But that's pure guesswork.

Highly possible.
The java isn't strong in this oneā€¦

> The interesting part of your email (for me) is the sentence "the only thing
> that seems correct is the amount of messages in
> ActiveMQ.DLQ.Queue.queue1.test,"
> which implies that you know you have messages in the DLQ and aren't doing
> anything about it.  By any chance, are one or more of those messages
> exactly as old as your oldest data file?  If you purge that queue (and all
> other DLQs), do your data files disappear?

Yes. The DLQs haven't been reciving a lot of love since this is a
staging environment.
I thought I tested to purge the DLQs, but apperantly not. Did it now and
all the log files disappeard and freed a lot of disk. Maybe I didn't
wait until the gc before checking the disk usage last time.

This might be a dumb question, but it feels like the messages in DLQ
took a lot more storage then "regular" messages. Is this since they are
spread over many log files? Is it possible to "defrag" the log files
without purging the queues?

> enableAckCompaction only compacts acks, not unconsumed messages.  It will
> eliminate any data file being kept solely for acks, but by definition
> that's not your first data file (that one must have an unconsumed message)
> and if you have unconsumed messages in later files it won't compact them
> either.  It might be a problem if your goal is to have fewer journal files,
> but you're OK with still having some, but if you want to get rid of all the
> old ones, you need to make sure you're not holding old unconsumed messages.

Ok! My goal is to not fill disk. So it seems like handling the DLQ is a 
better way to do it.


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