Do you have a working test you can share?

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Francesco PADOVANI
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying the Apache Artemis Broker (ver. 1.5.1) for MQTT protocol.
> Exactly I'm testing the retained feature for messages of MQTT protocol.
> While the broker is up it seems to work well:
> a) a client publishes a retained message to a specific topic
> b) any client which then subscribes that topic receives the retained message 
> (any time it re-subscribes the topic it receives the last retained message 
> ...perfect!)
> But it happens a strange thing when I restart the broker. And I mean I 
> restart the broker without any change on configuration: simply I make a 
> "artemis-service stop" and "artemis-service start". After The broker is up 
> and running, if a client subscribes the previous topic it still receives the 
> retained message, but with weird characters appended to it. For new retained 
> messages published it work well again... but the previous ones (before the 
> broker restart) are sent all with these weird characters. E.g., the following 
> is a retained message published before the broker restart:
> "test 25 for a retained message 20170110"
> And this is exactly how clients get it before the broker restart.
> Instead, after broker restart, the same retained message is received by 
> clients in the following way:
> test 25 for a retained message 20170110?
>                                         ? 6$sys.mqtt.retain..cro.test5 ?  
> &mqtt.message.retain ? mqtt.qos.level
> Is this my bad configuration (but I don't know ehere)? Or anything else? Or 
> what?
> Someone can help me?
> Thanks in advance.
> Francesco
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Clebert Suconic

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