Trying to understand the cause for the following error getting logged each
time the auth plugin syncs with LDAP. We use LDAP server for storing
queue/topic permissions, but all destinations are dynamic, so a policy entry
may not always have a physical destination counterpart in ActiveMQ; that's
our assumption for the cause of this error. To be clear, our security works
as expected, this error is really an annoyance given its excessive log

/Policy not applied! Unknown member
cn=write,ou=Temp,ou=Destination,ou=ActiveMQ,dc=alphamq,dc=com] in policy
entry javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - The search
base entry 'cn=ServiceGroup_alpha,ou=Groups,dc=alphamq,dc=com' does not
exist]; remaining name 'cn=ServiceGroup_alpha,ou=Groups,dc=alphamq,dc=com'/

Browsing the code for, there does not appear to be a flag or config
parameter to suppress such errors:

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