
So, I'm trying to have a failover setup for my ActiveMQserver at AWS.
Actually, it should not really matter if it's AWS or not, I think my setup
is generic.

What I did was the following:
- run two ECS tasks with ActiveMQdocker container
- put an ELB (load-balancer) in front those two tasks
- added EFS (AWS' variant of NFS) there and pointed my ActiveMQ's data dir

The problem is that now my ActiveMQs are running in master-slave mode.
Meaning that if the load balancer transfers request to the slave (which
happens like 50% of the time), the connection will be dropped and the client
will need to reconnect until it gets routed to the master.

So, how can I run several instances of ActiveMQ behind a proxy/load

Thank you,

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