this looks like an instance of the regression from

On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 at 19:42 neon18 <> wrote:

> We run the broker with max heap of 4G and initial of 1G (-Xmx4G -Xms1G).
> We use non-persistent messages on these particular queues (3 of them in
> this
> test).
> The number of messages sent to the broker in my last "flood gate" test was
> around 40,000 (40k) in 5 minutes or about 8K msgs/min. After this flood of
> messages, the producers send messages at a much much lower rate. I have
> pretty much the factory default activemq.xml with
> systemUsage/memoryUsage/percentOfJvmHeap=70 and queuePrefetch=20 on these 3
> queues.
> So I have seen two different scenarios when lots of non-persistent messages
> are put on queue.
> 1. Async Writer Thread Shutdown errors (with no prior warnings/errors),
> then
> OutOfMemoryErrors
> 2. INFO PListStore: ...tmp_storage initialized, ~10 seconds later WARN:
> IOException: OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded ... ActiveMQ
> Transport: tcp:..., then that repeats and other errors follow. Also there
> is
> no warnings/errors prior to the tmp_storage init info log msg. FYI: the web
> console was responsive until I saw the tmp_storage initialized (KahaDB)
> msg (~4.5 minutes into my test), then it stops responding. The last count
> of
> messages on queues via web console is ~30K msgs under ActiveMQ 5.15.2
> broker. Under the 5.14.5 broker, I was able to see the flood of ~40K msgs
> added to the 3 queues in ~6 minutes.
> In more controlled testing in the past 2 days, where I clear the AMQ_DATA
> dir before each test run, I have not seen issue #1 (Async Writer Thread
> Shutdown / OutOfMemoryError). I see issue #2 (OutOfMemoryError) a few
> seconds after KahaDB tmp_storage is initialized, then the web console stop
> responding and lots of OoMerrors and other errors in the activemq.log.
> Running with ActiveMQ 5.14.5 and 5.12.2 brokers, we do not have any
> OutOfMemoryErrors with this same load or higher load vs running under
> ActiveMQ 5.15.2. Running with 5.15.2 broker it seems like there might be an
> issue with throttling the producers of the queue when the JVM hit's the
> configured memoryUsage (default of 70%).
> Running on that thought, I did another test with
> systemUsage/memoryUsage/percentOfJvmHeap=50 %, but same thing (except that
> the OoM error occurs about 20 seconds after the tmp_storage init info log.
> So, I ran the test again with systemUsage/memoryUsage to 20%, same thing,
> except the OoM error occurs about 40 seconds after the tmp_storage init
> info
> log. This time, I also monitored the memory percent used and temp memory
> percent used via the web console. right after I see the tmp_storage init
> info log, I can see memUsed=39% tempUsed=1%, ~10 seconds later memUsed=56%
> tempUsed=2%, ~10 seconds later memUsed=69% tempUsed=2%, next refresh failed
> and of course in the activemq.log I see the OutOfMemoryErrors and other
> warnings and errors appearing in the log.
> Also, I grepped my old logs for "Journal failed" and did see some results,
> but they happen after the a few OutOfMemoryErrors, so I did not include
> them
> in this thread.
> I can pretty reliably recreate the problem in about 6 minutes (with a clean
> amq_data_dir) running ActiveMQ 5.15.2 broker and no issues under 5.14.5 or
> 5.12.2 brokers.
> Regards,
> Neon
> --
> Sent from:

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