If using HTTP transport then I recall there might have been a bug fixed for the inactivity and lack of ping commands getting marshaled.  That would probably mean you need to upgrade to a later release though.  Otherwise you'd need to analyze the network traffic and see if a firewall or something is capturing the keepAlive commands.

On 04/01/2018 12:02 PM, Rajesh Malla wrote:

We have broker -> client environment. we have set 5 minutes as inactivity
monitor timeout. using 5.12.3 version of activemq [ service mix 5.6.0 ]

my question is : we have set connecttimeout to 5 minutes and also keepalive
as true, still always after 5 minutes channel is closed by inactivity
when keep alive is true it should send alive messages and it should not
close connection right ? but it is closing.
because of this, all of consumers who are using connection are giving
'consumer is closed or session is closed errors'

anybody have any suggestions ?

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Tim Bish
twitter: @tabish121
blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

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