Hi All, 

i have setup a cluster of artemis 2.5.0 in a shared-storage mode.

I have create a simple java program which connects to the cluster when a
failover event happens the client connects to the new elected master

This client has been  implemented using the artemis-core-client api.
(DiscoveryGroupConfiguration, ActiveMQClient.createServerLocatorWithHA,
ServerLocator, ClientSessionFactory, ClientSession)

Because the communication from the client to the artemis server is
unprotected i would like to enable the mSSL, mutual SSL. I have replicated
the broker config and additional configuration (cert-user.properties,
cert-role.properties, login.property, broker.xml) from artemis samples:

But looking at the /ActiveMQClient.createServerLocatorWithHA/ i haven't
found a method to create a serverLocator by using a custom
DiscoveryGroupConfiguration and TransportConfiguration (where i would
specify ssl paramters such as trustore + password and keystore + password.

Does anyone have some pointers to achieve this?

I would have thought that the UDP discovery group would allow the client to
list the severs connection list and pick the right one? 

DiscoveryGroupConfiguration and TransportConfiguration  seems to be mutually
esclusive, so how can i have a DiscoveryGroupConfiguration and then using
MSSL when connecting to the artemis server?



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