Hi, In our activemq installation we are using kahaDb as the persistence adapter with leased-database-locker for locking mechanism. The shared file system used is NFSv3.
We wanted to test scenario where the Master node has access to mysql through which it will remain master by acquiring lock but looses connection to shared file system or NFS and see that the master switches since its not able to contact NFS. What i observed was in the activemq logs there are no exceptions when active broker looses connection to NFS and the it still remains as master and the clients fail to receive messages when it looses connection. Following is the Exception handler used: <ioExceptionHandler> <leaseLockerIOExceptionHandler ignoreSQLExceptions="false" stopStartConnectors="true"/> </ioExceptionHandler> And following is the persistence adapter configuration: <persistenceAdapter> <kahaDB directory="/home/sunil" lockKeepAlivePeriod="5000"> <locker> <lease-database-locker lockAcquireSleepInterval="10000" dataSource="#mysql-ds"> <statements> <statements lockTableName="ACTIVEMQ_LOCK"/> </statements> </lease-database-locker> </locker> </kahaDB> </persistenceAdapter> And the NFS configuration: 20G 103M 20G 1% /home/sunil /home/sunil,sync,fsid=0),sync,fsid=0),sync,fsid=0) >From the NFS server using iptable rules the master node is dropped: is master node iptables -I OUTPUT -s -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP service iptables save Does the activemq raise IOException when it looses connection to Shared Filesystem ? And i can use NFSv3 as the shared file system rite ? Thanks in advance -- Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html