
I am currently using ActiveMQ v5.14 and have been using it in production for
quite a long time without any issues. I want to use authentication and
authorization in ActiveMQ but haven't because of lack of Kerberos support
and have been following - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-4693. I
am not sure when this will be available. 
Artemis documentation mentions Kerberos support in Security section but it
isn't clear to what extent it is supported. I mainly use Openwire and STOMP
protocol. Clients are JMS, .NET, Python/Perl/JS (STOMP)
- is it available for tcp connector?
- can i use it with STOMP protocol
- How will kerberos authentication work? Any examples for this
- how authorization will be done with respect to a user? How will Artemis
know which user has which role?

Other compatibility concerns are like:
- current clients being able to connect to Artemis without any issues. Is
there a migration guide for server/client?
-Multi-kahadb support
-Automatically destroy offline durable subscribers etc.

It would be really helpful to know what support from above is present in
current Artemis version and to what extent or if I should log any JIRA.
Security and Kerberos support would be a big motivation for me to migrate to
Artemis. I am really excited to see Artemis as ActiveMQ 6. 


I use features like multi-kahadb, automatic destruction of offline durable

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