300mb memory limit is on a VM having -XmX 4Gb for heap; on 8Gb (most likely)
it was more. While I totally agree 300 Mb memory limit is far from the
optimal setting, and even better per-destination limits are needed.

However, I have stress tested ActiveMQ with much less memory, and I've seen
the following in logs:

topic://topic-3, Usage Manager memory
 limit reached 5242880. Producers will be throttled to the rate at which
messages are removed from this destination to prevent flooding it.

<< just 5Mb of memory limit on this test!

.. and eventually this:

TopicSubscription: consumer=ID:a-thinkpad-44715-1532031318503-1:1:1:1,
destinations=1, dispatched=32766, delivered=15963293, matched=1460,
discarded=0, prefetchExtension=0: Pending message cursor
is full, temp usag (100%) or memory usage (0%) limit reached, blocking
message add() pending the release of resources.

<< all 10Gb of temp store filled!

Which means filling up temp store and blocking the producer, but NOT
crashing with out of memory, having all heap filled with PageFile-related

- Art

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