AFAIK Artemis has been used with success in production in many cases: I
just think that is a matter of what you search in a broker.
Given that I'm biased toward performance I know what Artemis can deliver
from this pov and I can say that there is no really match (with many other
brokers) related to this aspect :)

Il giorno ven 7 dic 2018, 20:23 trevdyck <> ha scritto:

> From what I understand Artemis is still quite new and has not been used in
> many production environments yet. ActiveMQ has been hardened for many years
> in production, so that may be something that factors into your decision.
> As for JMS2.0 you should look at whether 2.0 offers anything important that
> you really need.
> --
> Sent from:

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