Suppose I have a symmetric cluster of 3 artemis servers. I send a message to
server 1, and it forwards it to other servers who have consumers. Now, when
exactly does the producer get an ACK?

I have a couple of scenarios where I wouldn't be able to figure out how it
works -

A) Server 1 forwarded a message to Server 2 and Server 3, and before
receiving the message, both the servers go down. Would I still receive the

B) Server 1 forwarded a message to Server 2 and Server 3, and both receive
the message but before they send an ACK, they go down. Would I still receive
the ACK?

So, TLDR - I want to know when exactly does an Artemis server send an
acknowledgement, given I'm using auto acknowledge. Is it right after server
1 receives the message, or after all servers receive it, or after server 2
and server 3 send an ACK to server 1? Hope I'm clear enough!

Thanks! :)

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