
i'm new to Apache ActiveMQ and Artemis. So far running a standalone server
is working great. Now i tried to setup an Artemis Master/Slave Cluster. Now
i have some general questions. I tried looking through the manual and the
mailing list, but i couldn't find the answers i'm looking for.

1. Is it usual, that all my server start with the same NodeID?

2. If i have configured a Master/Slave Cluster. Should i see both servers in
the Web-Console under Nodes?
(If i'm configuring a colocated cluster i can see all nodes there, but not
with master/slave)

3. Is it necessary to use the "start" operation on the slave?
(it always starts up with the status "started: false")

Here are some infos about my setup:

- 2 nodes - Apache Artemis 2.8.0 (also tried 2.7.0 and 2.6.4)
- each node in it's own virtual machine
- created the brokers with the following commands
-- ./artemis create --clustered --shared-store --data /mnt/nfs/share/artemis
-- ./artemis create --clustered --shared-store --data /mnt/nfs/share/artemis
--slave /var/opt/apache-artemis-2.8.0/broker/server_sharedstorage_2
- the nodes are configured using the same shared nfs storage

Kind regards

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