Hi Dan, how far did you go with qpid dispatch?


To my mind, having an intermediary  (qpid dispatch) route messages
from their source with end to end flow control, rather than doing
store and forward is the best approach. Order is already compromised
with store and forward.

I know there are issues with durable subs needing to be pinned to a
given broker, but I think the router can quickly get smarter about
using link names for routing decisions.

What were the other challenges have you encountered?


On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 22:21, Dan Langford <danlangf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> we are using Artemis 2.8.1 and we have 2 nodes in a cluster (Jgroup, TCP
> ping, load balancing=On Demand). we build each queue and address on each
> node and put address settings and security settings on each node (via the
> jolokia http api). the two nodes are behind a single vip so each incoming
> connection doesnt know which node it will be assigned.
> a producer can connect to NodeA and send a fair number of messages. maybe
> 24 million. If NodeA goes down for whatever reason (memory or disk
> problems, or scheduled OS patching) the  consumers on NodeA will  be
> disconnected. As they try to reconnect the vip will direct them all to the
> other available node, NodeB. when NodeA comes back online it notices all
> the consumers over on NodeB and redistributes all the messages in their
> queues.
> That can cause NodeA to take a long time and a lot of memory to start. It
> also causes the cluster/redistribution queue to become very deep and it can
> take many hours for them to all get redistributed over to NodeB. If NodeB
> has any problems as a result of the onslaught of messages and becomes
> unavailable or goes down then all the consumers will be disconnected, they
> will reconnect and connect to NodeA and start the problem all over.
> What advice would you have for us? is there a better cluster/ha design we
> could go with that would allow messages to redistribute across a cluster
> but also not bottleneck the cluster/redistribution queue on startup? we
> considered one time using backups that would become live and serve those
> messages immediately but ran into a lot of problems with the once stopped
> nodes failing to come up in a clean state. i can expound on that more if
> thats the direction i should be exploring.
> any insight you have is very much appreciated.

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