You have simple/normal: request/response queues for clients.
For DR (Disaster Recovery) purposes it is required to backup each queue's 
messages for 1 month.
(And this is required to be done on the broker itself in 
backup-request/backup-response queues.)
This way if clients lose their message store -- it can be replayed to them 
using the backup queues.

With Artemis this could be implemented using:
Diverts to backup-queues (non-exclusive: so they are copied) and then using a 
transformer plugin which would set the expiry message-property to 1 month (in 
the diverted backup-queue messages). No expiry-queue would be set, so messages 
would be dropped when they expire.

1) Have I missed anything?
2) Is there a better way to do this?
3) Will Artemis store (in journal) 1 copy of the message body and use pointers 
to refer to that message body in diverted/copied messages?
4) Artemis divert will change the message-ID. It would be nice to keep the 
existing message-ID. If the transformer plugin sets this message-ID back to the 
original -- will this cause problems?

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