Hello all, (activemq 5.15.10) I was surprised by the following: A messages that is moved by the broker from one queue to another loses its original persistence and time-to-live settings. Such bridges are defined in the activemq.xml file in section "jmsBridgeConnectors".' See the description in https://activemq.apache.org/jms-to-jms-bridge.html. The message body and JMS headers arrive properly in the second queue. But persistence and time-to-live seem to be reset to the default (i.e. persistent and infinite ttl).
My expectation is that persistence/ttl/etc are also copied from the original message. But the documentation does not mention the handling of these properties at all. Even specifying a new value does not seem to be possible. Is this a bug or intended behaviour? Erwin -- Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html