
Correct, see AMQ-7434 and https://github.com/apache/activemq/pull/496 

The change is for security reason. 

You can take a look on https://jolokia.org/reference/html/security.html 
<https://jolokia.org/reference/html/security.html> for details.

You can update conf/jolokia.xml.


> Le 30 mars 2020 à 09:24, JDC <jan.decle...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> ActiveMQ 5.15.12
> The url:
> http://hostname:8161/api/jolokia/list
> gives te response
> {
> error_type: "java.lang.Exception",
> error: "java.lang.Exception : Origin null is not allowed to call this
> agent",
> status: 403
> }
> I presume this is a CORS settings?  
> How can I fix this?
> --
> Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html

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