
I'm using the Camel Transactional Client EIP with *all* delivery
configured in AMQ.

When I use a transacted JMS client, camel propagates non handled
exceptions back to the Broker. After max redeliveries the message is
sent to the AMQ configured DLQ, as expected.

I've noticed that my DLQ messages have a dlqDeliveryFailureCause header.

And this header has a "cause" item which is null for me:

"java.lang.Throwable: Exceeded redelivery policy limit:RedeliveryPolicy
{destination = null, collisionAvoidanceFactor = 0.15,
maximumRedeliveries = 3, maximumRedeliveryDelay = -1,
initialRedeliveryDelay = 2000, useCollisionAvoidance = false,
useExponentialBackOff = true, backOffMultiplier = 2.0, redeliveryDelay
= 1000}, cause:null"

I was wondering:

1) Should this "cause" be null? Is this an error in my setup?
2) What mechanism sets the cause to not null?
3) Ultimately, am I missing something here where an exception in my
camel route can or should be written to this "cause" value?

Thanks for any advice


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