For what it's worth, you can find some documentation on OpenWire here [1].
That doc is a bit out-dated but most of it is still relevant. It looks like
the best documentation on this subject. The data that your browser received
is part of the WIREFORMAT_INFO which is part of the connection negotiation.



On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 11:53 AM Justin Bertram <> wrote:

> All those details are part of OpenWire's wire format. I'm not 100% sure
> why your browser is getting that response, but any OpenWire client would
> get the same information. My guess is that is part of the OpenWire
> connection negotiation.
> After the broker sees that no connection negotiation happens for 30
> seconds it closes the connection.
> Justin
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 11:21 AM Martin Lichtin <>
> wrote:
>> There's something seemingly weird going on when connecting with a browser
>> to the ssl-secured Openwire port of an ActiveMQ (classic) server.
>> Using this Url: https://AMQ-HOST:OPENWIRE-PORT
>> The browser sends off a GET request and after 30 seconds actually
>> receives a response from ActiveMQ.
>> The payload shows (some non-printable chars removed):
>>   ActiveMQ TcpNoDelayEnabled SizePrefixDisabled CacheSize ProviderName
>> ActiveMQ StackTraceEnabled
>>   PlatformDetails    Java CacheEnabled TightEncodingEnabled MaxFrameSize
>> MaxInactivityDuration
>>   MaxInactivityDurationInitalDelay ProviderVersion 5.15.13
>> Does this behaviour make sense? I would not expect ActiveMQ to reveal
>> this information.
>> On ther server side, the log entry shows:
>> 2020-12-02T18:08:58,684 | WARN  | InactivityMonitor Worker |
>> Transport                        | 243 |
>> 79 - org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi - 5.15.13 | Transport Connection to:
>> tcp:// failed:
>> org.apache.activemq.transport.InactivityIOException: Channel was inactive
>> (no connection attempt made) for too (>30000) long: tcp://

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