I *think* you may need to specify the routing type on the divert,
coming from a queue it may default to ANY_CAST.

<divert name="my_queue_to_my_topic">

On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 at 09:49, Petrenko, Vadim <vadim.petre...@ns.nl> wrote:
> Dear Artemis developers,
> I'd like to set up Artemis in such a way that all messages that get sent to a 
> queue will be diverted to a topic, where I can have multiple (durable) 
> subscribers.
> (my_queue) --divert--> (my_topic)
> I defined it like this:
> <diverts>
>    <divert name="my_queue_to_my_topic">
>       <address>my_queue</address>
>       <forwarding-address>my_topic</forwarding-address>
>       <exclusive>false</exclusive>
>    </divert>
> </diverts>
> <addresses>
>    <address name="my_queue">
>       <anycast/>
>    </address>
>    <address name="my_topic">
>       <multicast/>
>    </address>
> </addresses>
> But it doesn't work. Messages don't end up in my_topic.
> If I start sending messages directly to my_topic, then my subscribers receive 
> them ok.
> In the console I don't see any signs of messages in my_topic, they just seem 
> disappear.
> Could you give me a hint where to look at to make it work?
> Thank you in advance!
> PS. Why do I need this specific diverting? I connect this Artemis to another 
> Artemis via a Qpid mesh, and I want a message sent to my_queue on the sending 
> Artemis to be transferred to the receiving Artemis:
> (Artemis 1:my_queue) --> (Qpid routers) --> (Artemis 2:my_queue)
> On Artemis 2:
> <broker-connections>
>    <amqp-connection uri="tcp://edge:5672" name="my-router">
>       <receiver address-match="my_queue"/>
>    </amqp-connection>
> </broker-connections>
> And this works with anycast addresses only (because of message routing in 
> Qpid, which I need). My_queue naturally exists on the sending Artemis 1 too.
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