
We are using ActiveMQ in a star-network of a few hundred remote brokers on 
small computers with a more beefy central broker(set).
Functionally, this works fine.
Unfortunately, the network is not always stable (but this is exactly why we use 
a messaging solution).
On network problems that affect most-or-all remote brokers, upon reconnection, 
a very large amount of advisory messages are sent between the nodes.
The amount of messages seems to be quadratic with the number of brokers.
And the number of advisory message types is high because we use unique 
destinations per remote broker, so the amount is actually cubic.
We see millions of these messages on such occasions.

Obviously, we are trying to reduce this, and looked at 
https://activemq.apache.org/advisory-message and 
But no obvious solution was in sight.

The question:
Most of the advisory messages are useless; they are about destinations that a 
broker does not have any consumers or producers for, but still these are 
subscribed to.
Is there a way to reduce the subscriptions on advisory topics to only the 
interesting ones?


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