Thanks??After your explanation, there is really no need to read too much 
message content

------------------ ???????? ------------------
????????:&nbsp;2021??6??16??(??????) ????7:34
??????:&nbsp;"ActiveMQ Users"<;;

????:&nbsp;Re: Use jolokia to read messages from the queue, up to 400 messages??

That matches my understanding: the queue browser is meant to be a way to
view small numbers of messages from among those that would be consumed
next, not a way to view every message in a huge queue.

If you need that ability, one option is to use the JDBC backing store type,
since then you can query the entire table at will. But there are tradeoffs
to that change (performance, cost, etc.), so you'll want to weigh whether
the ability to see all messages is worth it in light of those tradeoffs.


On Tue, Jun 15, 2021, 8:47 PM Justin Bertram <; wrote:

&gt;&nbsp; From what I can tell by looking at the source code [1], I don't 
&gt; there is a way to get to the "next page." The maxBrowsePageSize looks to be
&gt; the absolute maximum number of messages you can browse administratively.
&gt; Out of curiosity, why are you wanting to browse so many messages via
&gt; Jolokia?
&gt; Justin
&gt; [1]
&gt; On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 9:29 PM ??????o.-- <; wrote:
&gt; &gt; Hi
&gt; &gt; Use jolokia to read messages from the queue, up to 400 messages.
&gt; &gt; After viewing some configurations, you can set the maximum message 
&gt; &gt; per page by setting maxBrowserPageSize,
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; But how to read the next page.
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; For example, when the same message size is 1000, when 
&gt; &gt; 500, you can view 0-500 messages, but how can I view 500-1000 messages
&gt; &gt; (messages on the next page)?

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