There's a timeout on the lock and so. Even if you kill the activemq process, it should not be a problem.

When you say "terminated", you mean killed right ?


On 10/08/2021 18:15, Fabrice Triboix wrote:
Hi JB,

Thanks for your answer. Please note I don't know much about ActiveMQ and I work 
as a DevOps. I just want ActiveMQ to start every time, even if it is restarted 
after a crash. At the moment, I get this error about KahaDB lock and I know for 
a fact that this broker is the only broker that accesses this KahaDB. I can 
only conclude that ActiveMQ exited abnormally and didn't release the lock, and 
that consequently every time it is restarted it complains about the lock and 
goes into slave move.

In our setup, ActiveMQ might be terminated at any time and without warning. 
When it is subsequently restarted, it must work.

Could you please let me know how to do that?



From: JB Onofré <>
Sent: 10 August 2021 16:53
To: <>
Subject: Re: How to disable KahaDB lock?

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
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No as soon  as a broker start with kahadb it lock kahadb.

Imho you have a file system issue or config: I never had locking issue with 

You can always remove the lock manually but I would check if you don’t have 
another process or so.


Le 10 août 2021 à 17:46, Fabrice Triboix <> a écrit :

Hi everyone,

It seems that when ActiveMQ terminates uncleanly, it leaves a lock on the Kaha 
DB. Next time it starts, it complains that the DB is locked and goes in slave 

In my setup, I am 100% certain that a given broker will access one and only one 
KahaDB, so I would like to configure ActiveMQ so that it doesn't put a lock on 
KahaDB. Is that possible? If yes, how?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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